Tom Eaton and Rebecca Dudbridge of @BambuuBrush have set new goals for the new year. Picture: @BambuuBrush - Credit: Archant
With a fantastic 2019 in the books, an entrepreneurial couple from Hitchin have set their business even loftier goals for the new year.
The environmentally friendly @BambuuBrush. Picture: @BambuuBrush - Credit: Archant
When Tommie Eaton and Rebecca Dudbridge launched @BambuuBrush in February 2019, they set themselves the ambitious target of selling one million eco-friendly toothbrushes by the end of the year.
Their motto, 'one simple change, multiplied by millions, will change the world', was realised just nine months later when they officially sold their one millionth toothbrush.
The pair capped off 2019 by being crowned the New Business of the Year at the Hertfordshire Business Awards in November and securing a three-year contract with Virgin Atlantic.
Now, after what 27-year-old Tommie describes as a "crazy, incredible, full-on year", the couple have set three huge goals: To get Olympic athletes at the Tokyo 2020 Games to use @Bambuu Brushes, to sell 21 million brushes in total by 2021 and to get the first bamboo brush into space.
The couple took a few weeks to reflect on their whirlwind of a year over the Christmas period - with Tommie even admitting it's the first time he's been able to switch his laptop off since February.
He added: "I can't get my head around what we have achieved this year, but there are even more exciting times ahead.
"We're on a good path and I think we have a great opportunity to do a lot of good in the world."
What started as an ambitious project in their spare bedroom has been transformed by their use of social media.
Tommie said: "If you use it [social media] in a positive way, it can be so powerful. @Bambuu Brush is a good example of that."
As well as new business goals, the couple have plenty of exciting projects to tackle in 2020, starting with a trip to China for a documentary they're making with Virgin that follows the production of a @Bambuu Brush.
Tommie promises more community clean-ups, workshops in primary and secondary schools across the county and much more.
The pair will also join Hitchin-based charity Humanitas on a trip to Ghana in February to see the waste management facilities there, with the view to setting up their own centres in developing countries in the future.
For more information on their project or for your own BambuuBrush visit